Most of the planet has been explored and documented, at least the dry parts. New discoveries are usually small things that barely make a ripple in the news cycle. Don’t let that stop you from exploring. I took a trail this morning that was new to me. I was exploring. Yesterday, I found an article about Mohawk Ironworkers in New York that told me things I never knew existed. I was exploring.
Living in Colorado, there are places four-wheel drive can take me that I’ve never seen and that are full of wonder. That’s exploring too, and at a slightly higher risk of missing a meal. It’s worth the risk. Old and comfortable is fine, and I need it in my life to stay grounded. But it’s the new– or at least new to me– that I need most of all. Living it vicariously through the internet, or the pages of National Geographic is a pale substitute. Go exploring. Miss a meal or two. It will be good for you.